Prevent and support - cyber gender based violence
We aim to combat cyber gender-based violence through awareness raising and the empowerment of young people as well as the training of professionals and volunteers of social services that provide support to the victims, and youth workers.

About the project
Recognizing the increase of cases of cyber gender-based violence, especially during the pandemic, as well as the need to produce knowledge for the protection of women online and the lack of adequate material and training for social services and organization in order to provide effective support to the victims, Ladies Union of Drama – House of Open Hospitality implements an innovative EU project together with 5 other partners from 4 EU countries – Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia and Czech Republic.
The PS CGBV partnership is working to protect and support against gender-based violence online, through awareness-raising and education.
Objectives & Activities
The project “Prevention and Support for Cyber Gender Based Violence (PS-CGBV)”, with a duration of 24 months, with the 4th of April 2022 as its official starting date, has as its objectives to combat cyber gender-based violence through awareness raising and the empowerment of young people as well as the training of professionals and volunteers of social services that provide support to the victims, and youth workers.
Through the project, we will create:
This online hub against cyber gender-based violence
Best practices mapping on the EU level
Digital handbook for youth
Training curriculum for victim support services & youth workers
A self-evaluation method in the form of an interactive quiz
Final research paper.
As well as a variety of dissemination activities of the project results to maximize its impact.
The project is funded by the Key Action 2 of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.

Ladies Union of Drama - H.O.H
Ladies’ Union of Drama started informally in 1904; protecting widows, orphans, elder people, injured and unemployed soldiers. Since 1988 it is officially recognized as a charitable organization, providing social care services of the Greek Ministry of Health and Welfare and also as a certified provider of social care services. Our beneficiaries are poor, homeless, uninsured people, single mothers, abused women and children, former detainees and people in dire need of immediate assistance.

Gender Studies o.p.s.
Gender Studies is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation. We educate, train and consult in the field of gender equality and equity of men, women and various gender identities, their relationships and position in society. We run a public library with literature on feminism and gender.
The South-West University "Neofit Rilski" was founded in 1976 in Blagoevgrad. With a history of over 40 years, the University has gained a reputation as a leader in the sphere of science and education in Bulgaria and the Balkans. It is recognized as one of the forefront classical universities in South-Eastern Europe.
Over 11,500 students, of whom more than 500 foreign students from over 20 countries around the world, are receiving training in different areas of education and science.
DOREA Educational Institute
DOREA is not for profit organisation established in 2012 in Cyprus offering high quality non-formal education for adults and youth at EU level. It aspires into creating a difference for the future by placing its emphasis on the human potential and empowering people to find their own voice and tap into their own giftedness. DOREA has vast experience in Cybersecurity and Cyberbullying areas, delivering training courses, online courses and workshops to educators, youth workers and general public.

J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek
The University of Osijek is a public institution of higher education that connects scientific research, artistic creation, study, and teaching, thus developing science, profession, and arts and preparing students for professional activities based on scientific knowledge and artistic values. The faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences is one of the oldest members of the University. Founded in 1977, today it offers many undergraduate and graduate programs, and three post-graduate programs.
The Future Now Association
The Future Now Association (TFN) is a Bulgarian youth NGO that works on national and international initiatives, activities, and projects for and with young people and youth workers. TFN supports and promotes democratic values of civil society to protect freedom, dignity, and inclusion of children, young people, and vulnerable groups of society.