A map with pins in the countries and areas where relevant best practices of activities in the area of gender-based cyberviolence are located. We have collected best practices beyond the reach of the partnership and throughout Europe, including less-known initiatives regionally but with high importance. The map is unique for its focus on collecting best practices dealing with gender dimension of cyberviolence, which goes beyond the topic of women and men.
The main topics are safety online, discrimination, human trafficking, sexual and intimate partner violence, legal regulations of GBV, LGBTIQA. One of the frequent topics is for example cyberbullying and cyberstalking or sexting, but the range also encompasses violence against migrants and refugees or pornography.
You can find initiatives and campaigns, learning and training opportunities, research, guides, publications, support and direct help, digital tools, associations and networks.
Topics and types of best practices can be found in the map by filters.
The map is intended to be used in the first place by young adults (18-29 years old) and secondly by youth workers and professionals of victim support and social care services, but of course is available and open to all others.